Welcome to the “Masters of the Game” Site!
We are excited to have you here!
This Included our LIVE Community!
Over 50 Videos and growing each week for you to look at the Greatest Players of Past & Present!
Trying their moves & incorporating them into your GAME!
Hogan, Snead, Trevino, Tiger, O’Grady , Leadbetter, Stack & Tilt - MORAD -TGM
I will explain the Swing Styles & Systems with my own insights with Videos Highlighting The Greats & Their Moves!
Mac O’Grady’s MORAD Model
The Golfing Machine System “TGM”
The Stack & Tilt System
The One Plane Swing
Paul Gorman, PGA
The Golfing Machine
Stack & Tilt
Aimpoint Putting
Dr Kwan Ground Force
Bio Swing Dynamics